Excess fat stored in the liver can lead to serious health problems, including cirrhosis of the liver. Alcoholism or heavy alcohol consumption can cause fatty liver disease, but there are other causes of fatty liver disorders. Non-alcohol fatty liver diseases, or NAFLD, and NASH disease are linked to obesity and other obesity-linked conditions like high cholesterol and diabetes. Danny Shouhed, M.D. offers treatment for fatty liver disease and NASH at our medical facility in Los Angeles.
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) are considered “silent” diseases that have very few symptoms or signs of problems. Although a person can have NAFLD/NASH and not have symptoms, it can pose serious health risks. The exact cause of NAFLD/NASH is not known, but there are risk factors. Obesity, insulin resistance, high blood sugar (type 2 diabetes) and high fat levels in the blood, along with genetics, can affect the risk for NAFLD.
Fatty liver disease can result in cirrhosis of the liver, which can put patients at risk for liver cancer, abdominal fluid buildup, end stage liver failure and esophagus varices.
Treatment for fatty liver disease begins with weight loss. Losing weight can often reverse fatty liver disease on its own. Other treatments include controlling contributing factors such as diabetes and high cholesterol.
Danny Shouhed, M.D. offers treatment for fatty liver disease and NASH through medical weight loss and treatments for obesity-related conditions. To learn more about NAFLD and NASH treatment, contact our office in Los Angeles to schedule your appointment with Dr. Shouhed.